Singing Guide: Naomi Scott

Singing Guide: Naomi Scott

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Naomi Scott

Naomi Scott’s unique vocal style is something to aspire to for those interested in pop/country singing. Although Naomi Scott’s voice is versatile and she is able to sing power ballads, she has a distinct softness to her tone that sets her apart. In this article, we will tackle some of the characteristics of Naomi Scott’s voice, how to learn to sing like her, and the tools available on Singing Carrots that can help you achieve her sound.

Key Characteristics of Naomi Scott’s Voice:

  • She’s able to mix head and chest voice seamlessly which results in a warm tone.
  • Her voice is relaxed and her phrases have a smooth flow.
  • Her vibrato is consistent and her sustains are strong without sounding heavy.

How to Sing Like Naomi Scott

  1. Exercise your voice: Developing a healthy workout routine for your voice is key if you want to achieve Naomi Scott’s level of control and versatility. Before diving in to the specifics for singing like Naomi Scott, make sure to warm up beforehand with exercises like the Farinelli Breathing exercise and Humming exercises to improve your breath control and voice resonation.
  2. Learn the basics: It’s important to learn the basic techniques of singing before mimicking the style of any specific artist. Singing Carrots has great resources to get you started, such as articles on analyzing your voice and breathing basics to ensure your foundation is solid.
  3. Listen and practice: Learning from Naomi Scott’s performances is important to further develop your skill. Listen to some of her songs and try to identify her unique sound. Pay attention to her mix of head and chest voice, smooth phrasing, and vibrato. Use tools like vocal range test to understand the range she covers and the song search function to identify songs of similar difficulty.
  4. Master vocal techniques: Naomi Scott’s unique vocal style relies on being able to mix chest and head voice skillfully. It’s crucial to work on your voice registers and vocal break, breath support, and resonance.
  5. Incorporate unique styles and techniques: Naomi Scott’s has a distinct sound that can be further studied and emulated. Listen to her sing Speechless and try to incorporate its softness and vibrato in your vocal practice regime.

Tools You Can Use

Singing Carrots has a vast selection of resources to assist in learning how to sing like Naomi Scott:

With the guidance of Singing Carrots' resources and practice, it is possible to develop your own Naomi Scott-like vocal style while achieving excellent vocal control, agility, and resonance.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.